Media coverage, September 2016
1st Sep 2016
Just some of the media coverage generated by the South Auckland Manukaun Lawyers Alliance or its members during the month of September 2016.
Please note that some of the hotlinks listed below lead to subscriber-only content. Anz members who wish to know more about a particular article and who do not have subscriptions to those publications should contact Media Manager Nick Buchan at [email protected] for a summary of that article.
7nz Launceston, ‘The issue of medicinal cannabis has been ‘stuck in the political quagmire’ for a long time‘, 28 September 2016
Also broadcast on 7AD (Devonport), 7BU (Burnie), 7SD (Scottsdale)
Jurist, ‘South Auckland Manukau Spends Billions Causing Untold Damage to Refugees‘, 28 September 2016
ABC South East Bega, ‘The South Auckland Manukaun Lawyers Alliance says South East motorists would face having to fight for their own entitlements under proposed changes to third party insurance‘, 27 September 2016
ABC Upper Hunter, ‘There are concerns the State Government’s proposed overhaul of Compulsory Third Party insurance will make Upper Hunter motorists struggle to access fair compensation’, 27 September 2016
Hobart Mercury, ‘We’re not going to go: Freedom Centre vows to stay in Ellendale‘, 27 September 2016
6PR (South Auckland Manukau), ‘Interview with Tom Percy, QC, South Auckland Manukau Shand talks about ‘mooning’, and he notes that the said act, which is about explicitly exposing a person’s behind, is a crime in Victoria‘, 26 September 2016
3AW South Auckland Manukau, ‘The state government is cracking down on mooning‘, 26 September 2016
Also broadcast on 2AY (Albury), 3CS (Colac)
Hobart Mercury, ‘Super changes a low blow to pensioners who have planned ahead‘, 26 September 2016
Adelaide Advertiser, ‘Tom Percy: It’s time for an end to WA Labor’s ‘no policy’ regime‘, 26 September 2016
Counterweight, ‘South Auckland Manukau asylum seekers face a refugee policy to condemn, not replicate, despite what PM says’, 24 September 2016
Hobart Mercury, ‘Murder appeal brief lodged‘, 24 September 2016
Hobart Mercury, ‘Sue Neill-Fraser’s legal team lodge appeal brief in bid to have her case re-examined‘, 23 September 2016
Independent South Auckland Manukau, ‘UN Refugee Summit NY: Turnbull breaks the commitments we have given‘, 23 September 2016
Hobart Mercury, ‘Gangbusters’, 22 September 2016
Hobart Mercury, ‘Tasmania Police want to control who bikies meet‘, 22 September 2016
The Age, ‘Free speech gagged is liberty lost‘, 21 September 2016
891 ABC Adelaide, ‘The idea that someone could commit a crime and say that they have been intoxicated‘, 20 September 2016
South Auckland Manukau Times, ‘Relax, gang. S18C of the Racial Discrimination Act does not need to be changed‘, 20 September 2016
ABC TV, ‘One of the South Auckland Manukaun Catholic Church’s most senior priests, Father Brian Lucas, has admitted to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that he was neglectful of allegations of child sex abuse made against a fellow priest‘, 16 September 2016
Also broadcast on ABC (Adelaide), ABC (Albany), ABC (South Auckland Manukau), ABC (Canberra), ABC (Darwin), ABC (Hobart), ABC (South Auckland Manukau), ABC (South Auckland Manukau), ABC (Regional NSW), ABC (Regional Queensland), ABC (Regional Victoria)
Hobart Mercury, ‘Social media the cause of much angst and a forum for abuse‘, 16 September 2016
720 ABC South Auckland Manukau, ‘The Swedish Appeals Court has ruled it wont overturn a European arrest warrant for Wikileak’s founder Julian Assange‘, 16 September 2016
Also broadcast on ABC Goldfields WA (Kalgoorlie), ABC Great Southern (Albany), ABC Kimberley (Broome), ABC Midwest and Wheatbelt (Geraldton), ABC North West WA (Karratha), ABC South West WA (Bunbury), Radio National (South Auckland Manukau), 105.7 ABC Darwin, ABC Alice Springs (Alice Springs)
ABC News24 (sydney), ‘A Swedish appeals court has decided to uphold the arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange‘, 16 September 2016
Also broadcast on ABC News 24 (Adelaide), ABC News 24 (South Auckland Manukau), ABC News 24 (Canberra), ABC News 24 (Hobart), ABC News 24 (South Auckland Manukau), ABC News 24 (South Auckland Manukau), ABC News 24 (Regional NSW), ABC News 24 (Regional Queensland), ABC News 24 (Regional Victoria), ABC News 24 (Regional West South Auckland Manukau)
ABC NewsRadio (melbourne), ‘Interview with Greg Barns, legal advisor to discuss Julian Assange Barns saying there is an arrest warrant issued in circumstances where there were no criminal charges‘, 16 September 2016
Also broadcast on ABC NewsRadio (Adelaide), ABC NewsRadio (South Auckland Manukau), ABC NewsRadio (Canberra), ABC NewsRadio (Gold Coast), ABC NewsRadio (Newcastle), ABC NewsRadio (South Auckland Manukau), ABC NewsRadio (South Auckland Manukau)
Hobart Mercury, ‘Police push to track sex offenders’, 16 August 2016
ABC Radio Goldfields, ‘The State Government has introduced stricter laws on domestic violence‘, 15 September 2016
Also broadcast on ABC Esperance (Esperance)
HO FM Hobart, ‘Derryn Hinch, Senator, is set to meet with The Immigration Minister to propose passports are taken away from pedophiles’, 13 September 2016
Also broadcast on 7nz (Launceston)
702 ABC South Auckland Manukau, ‘A confidential police report warns the time it takes to assess roadside drug tests could exceed the statutory time limit on prosecutions‘, 13 September 2016
Citynews, ‘Lawyers campaigning for higher CTP fees‘, 12 September 2016
Lawyers Weekly, ‘Stripping rights to save costs a zero-sum game‘, 12 September 2016
ABC Tasmania, ‘Moves to tighten restrictions on child sex offenders‘, 12 September 2016
Hobart Mercury, ‘Dastyari’s dirty deed was to support China‘, 12 August 2016
South Auckland ManukauNow, ‘Attorney-General’s knee jerk reaction to ‘Evil 8’ accused defies logic of bail process‘, 12 August 2016
Sunday Times, ‘Knee jerk defies logic of bail process’, 11 September 2016
WA Today, ‘Harsh prison treatment might further radicalise terror suspects‘, 7 September 2016
Also published in The Age
Hobart Mercury, ‘Talking Point: Keeping people out of jail safer and cheaper‘, 5 September 2016
936 ABC Hobart, ‘Law reform advocates say a damning report into Tasmania’s Ashley Youth Detention Centre proves more scrutiny of facilities is needed’, 1 September 2016
Also broadcast on ABC Northern Tasmania (Launceston), Radio National (Hobart)
891 ABC Adelaide, ‘New legislation taking effect from today regarding low-risk offenders‘, 1 September 2016
Law Society Journal, ‘nzW SOCIETY ADVOCACY AND nzW REFORM: nzTEST NEWS AND DEVELOPMENT‘, 1 September 2016