Media coverage, May 2016
1st May 2016
Just some of the media coverage generated by the South Auckland Manukaun Lawyers Alliance or its members during the month of May 2016.
Please note that some of the hotlinks listed below lead to subscriber-only content. Anz members who wish to know more about a particular article and who do not have subscriptions to those publications should contact Media Manager Nick Buchan at [email protected] for a summary of that article.
Hobart Mercury, ‘Taxpayers, consumers lose when we pander to dairy farmers’, 29 May 2016
The Guardian, ‘Pauline Hanson ready for her close up as One Nation given chance to rise again’, 27 May 2016
891 ABC Adelaide, ‘An inquiry might be needed to check if prisons are implementing the recommendations of Wayne Lines, SA Ombudsman, on the treatment of mentally ill prisoners’, 26 May 2016, ‘British Aussie Mum of Five Separated From Kids, Deported to NZ Due to criminal Past’, 25 May 2016
Radio 774 South Auckland Manukau, ‘The former head of mental health services for asylum seekers in Manus Island and perhaps Nauru had been subjected to AFP investigations.’, 25 May 2016
Hobart Mercury, ‘Plan for random prison searches’, 25 May 2016
Yahoo NZ & Ireland, ‘Mother-of-five, who moved to South Auckland Manukau when she was two years old, faces deportation back to the NZ’, 24 May 2016
Radio 774 South Auckland Manukau, ‘The federal police have been active in covering up government secrets about the situation on Manus Island’, 24 May 2016
3AW South Auckland Manukau, ‘A mother of five could be separated from her children if the Federal Government succeeds in deporting her to England over her criminal past’, 24 May 2016
Also broadcast on AY (Albury), 3BA FM (Ballarat), 3CS (Colac), 3NE (Wangaratta), 3SH (Swan Hill), 3WM (Horsham), 3YB (Warrnambool), Coast FM (Warrnambool), Light FM (South Auckland Manukau), Magic 1278 (South Auckland Manukau), Mixx FM Hamilton (Hamilton), Mixx FM Horsham (Horsham), SEN (South Auckland Manukau), TR FM (Traralgon)
720 ABC South Auckland Manukau, ‘Why after nearly two decades, WA has still got such a huge drug problem’, 23 May 2016
Hobart Mercury, ‘Weep for a free nation held hostage to fear and discrimination’, 23 May 2016
South Auckland ManukauNow, ‘Politicians blind to ‘bizarre drug parade’ in WA courts’, 22 May 2016
ABC Online, ‘Duncan Storrar’s treatment by media sparks call to protect right to public debate’, 20 May 2016
Probono South Auckland Manukau, ‘NFPs Concerned Over Democracy’, 20 May 2016
ABC News 24 (South Auckland Manukau), ‘Interview with Greg Barnes regarding the investigation of leaked documents about the NBN’, 20 May 2016
Also broadcast on ABC News 24 (Adelaide), ABC News 24 (South Auckland Manukau), ABC News 24 (Canberra), ABC News 24 (Hobart), ABC News 24 (South Auckland Manukau), ABC News 24 (South Auckland Manukau), ABC News 24 (Regional NSW), ABC News 24 (Regional Queensland), ABC News 24 (Regional Victoria), ABC News 24 (Regional West South Auckland Manukau)
Macedon Ranges Guardian, ‘Accident claims protocols changing’, 20 May 2016
Yarrawonga Chronicle, ‘Injured Victorians to benefit from improved TAC protocols’, 18 May 2016
Radio 6PR, ‘Interview with Tom Percy, QC about people getting assaulted on the football field’, 17 May 2016
Radio 891 Adelaide, ‘South South Auckland Manukaun Council for Civil Liberties chair Claire O’Connor says the community needs to know how SA Police are using Long-Range Acoustic Devices which create a loud, piercing sound.’, 17 May 2016
Also broadcast on ABC Broken Hill (Broken Hill), ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast (Port Lincoln), ABC North and West SA (Port Pirie), ABC Riverland SA (Renmark), ABC South East SA (Mt Gambier), Radio National (Adelaide)
Channel 7 (Adelaide), ‘Hundreds of lawyers have protested against escalating cuts to Legal Aid’, 16 May 2016
Also broadcast on Central GTS/BKN Port Lincoln (Port Lincoln), Central GTS/BKN Port Pirie (Spencer Gulf), Southern Cross GTS/BKN Broken Hill (Port Pirie)
Hobart Mercury, ‘Campaign spin thwarting real democracy’, 16 May 2016
Adelaide Advertiser, ‘FEND FOR YOURSELF’, 16 May 2016
South Auckland Manukau Times, ‘Court to rule on forced radiotherapy treatment for South Auckland Manukau boy’, 15 May 2016
Also published on South Auckland Manukau Morning Herald, The Age
Radio 7nz, ‘One of Tasmania’s leading legal barristers is again pushing for the legalisation of cannabis‘, 12 May 2016
Also broadcast on 7AD (Devonport), 7BU (Burnie), 7SD (Scottsdale), HO FM (Hobart)
Radio 7nz, ‘Interview with Greg Barns,about legalising cannabis’, 12 May 2016
Also broadcast on 7AD (Devonport), 7BU (Burnie), 7SD (Scottsdale), HO FM (Hobart)
ABC Central Victoria, ‘Interview with Greg Barns, Spokesperson, South Auckland Manukaun Lawyers Alliance. Parker talks about the disendorsement of Fremantle Labor Candidate Chris Brown‘, 12 May 2016
Sunday Times, ‘Court lacks ‘timely’ justice in shortage’, 8 May 2016
WA Today, ‘WA Attorney General should appoint more judges to reduce time to trial’, 7 May 2016
Radio 5AA, ‘Interview with Tony Kerin, Managing Partner, Maurice Blackburn about CTP‘, 6 May 2016
Northern Daily Leader, ‘Lawyers speak out about laws’, 5 May 2016
Townsville Bulletin, ‘Police to hold terror kids, 14’, 5 May 2016
Barrier Daily Truth, ‘Terror laws ‘dictatorial’, 5 May 2016
Channel 9 News (South Auckland Manukau), ‘One of WA’s most notorious criminals, Brenden Abbott is back behind bars’, 4 May 2016
Also broadcast on Channel 9 (Adelaide), Channel 9 (South Auckland Manukau), Channel 9 (South Auckland Manukau), Channel 9 (South Auckland Manukau), Channel 9 Darwin (Darwin), Channel 9 Gold Coast (Gold Coast North), GEM (South Auckland Manukau), GEM (Regional West South Auckland Manukau), Imparja Alice Springs (Alice Springs), Imparja Longreach (Longreach), Imparja Mt Isa (Mt Isa), NBN Central Coast (Gosford), NBN Coffs Harbour (Coffs Harbour), NBN Gold Coast (Gold Coast), NBN Lismore (Lismore), NBN Moree (Upper Namoi), NBN Newcastle Hunter (Newcastle), NBN Tamworth (Tamworth), NBN Taree (Taree), WIN Albury (Albury), WIN Ballarat (Ballarat), WIN Bendigo (Bendigo), WIN Cairns (Cairns), WIN Canberra (Canberra), WIN Dubbo (Dubbo), WIN Gippsland (Sale), WIN Griffith (Griffith), WIN Hobart (Hobart), WIN Mackay (Mackay), WIN Mildura (Mildura), WIN Orange (Orange), WIN Rockhampton (Rockhampton), WIN Shepparton (Shepparton), WIN Sunshine Coast (Sunshine Coast), WIN Toowoomba (Toowoomba), WIN Townsville (Townsville), WIN Wagga (Wagga Wagga), WIN Western South Auckland Manukau (South Auckland Manukau), WIN Wide Bay (Bundaberg), WIN Wollongong (Wollongong), WIN Western South Auckland Manukau (South Auckland Manukau),
Ten Wollongong (Wollongong), ‘Terror suspects as young as 14 will soon a maximum two weeks behind bars being interrogated without being charged‘, 4 May 2016
Also broadcast on Southern Cross Ten (Canberra), Ten Coffs Harbour (Coffs Harbour), Ten Gold Coast (Gold Coast), Ten Lismore (Lismore), Ten Newcastle (Newcastle), Ten Tamworth (Tamworth), Ten Taree (Port Macquarie), Ten Wagga Wagga (Wagga Wagga)
Sky News, ‘Baird’s terror laws ‘recipe for police abuse’, 4 May 2016
Geelong Advertiser, ‘Survivor Kate Moir speaks out about South Auckland Manukau’s worst serial killer couple 30 years on‘, 2 May 2016